Whimsy 365: Day 57

December 5, 2015

whimsy 365 day 57 120515

©Teresa Kogut, all right reserved

Whimsy 365: Day 57

Went to my husband’s Remax Christmas party last night. I wasn’t going to go because just before leaving the studio, I checked my email account and found my PayPal debit card had been fraudulently used and over $500 was taken out of my account!! I called immediately to resolve the issue but was on hold for 40 minutes when I finally hung up because I needed to get ready for the party. I asked Kevin if he’d be mad at me if I didn’t go with him and he said he wouldn’t be mad, just disappointed.

I was in a really bad mood and didn’t want to bring him down by going. I wanted to stay home and get this PayPal issue taken care of. But then I thought….well, I only have $13.00 left in my account so the major damage was done and I can call them in them morning, so I went.

I am so very thankful that I didn’t let those thieves ruin my evening. We sat at a table with two other couples (I had never met them). They were a delight. We had an amazing night!

In times of trouble, make the CHOICE not to let it ruin your day or evening. Most of the time, things will work out and we create such chaos in our minds. Let go and let God. Breathe deep and keep calm.



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