Whimsy 365: Day 62

December 10, 2015

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©Teresa Kogut, all rights reserved

Whimsy 365: Day 62


Today I was a little distracted…but for good reason! I painted an angel today! I haven’t painted with acrylics in a couple months or more. Not good. I plan to change that! Here is “Symbol of Peace”  She will be up for adoption in a couple of days here.

4068 Symbol of Peace

©Teresa Kogut, all right reserved

She was inspired because of all the unrest, fear and brutality in the world today. Fall to your knees in prayer and keep peace in your heart, mind and soul.





Whimsy 365: Day 61

December 9, 2015

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©Teresa Kogut, all rights reserved

Whimsy 365: Day 61


Today’s sketch has nothing to do with what I am writing about. I was so moved by Holy Rosary’s service last night, I felt inspired to share:

We attended mass for the feast of the Immaculate Conception, last evening, December 8. Many people (including me several years ago) mistake the Immaculate Conception for Jesus’ conception in Mary’s womb. Instead, it is the conception of Mary in St Anne’s womb.

God is all knowing. He knew who he wanted to be Jesus’ mother. He chose Mary before she was conceived so she could be born without original sin, therefore, making the perfect vessel to carry and the perfect mother to raise the Son of Man.

Definition of Immaculate Conception: The Immaculate Conception, according to the teaching of the Catholic Church, was the conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the womb of her mother, Saint Anne, free from original sin by virtue of the foreseen merits of her son Jesus Christ. The Catholic Church teaches that Mary was conceived by normal biological means, but God acted upon her soul (keeping her “immaculate”) at the time of her conception.

I know other religions think Catholics worship Mary. I know this because I have had these discussions with some folks before. We don’t worship Mary, we honor her. Think about it…..don’t you think she is worthy to be honored? She, by saying yes, played a very important role in saving humanity. Without the “perfect vessel”, Jesus wouldn’t have been born. She, without hesitation, said yes. At the time, she was not married to Joseph yet; they were engaged. In those days, she could have been stoned for getting pregnant without being married. A woman could even be stone for not being a virgin before marriage. Also, she had to trust that Joseph would still marry her and believe her story. He struggled with it at first, but an angel came to him and told him to trust Mary and to name the child Jesus.

I love this story. I love her faithfulness, devotion and complete trust in God. What an inspiration.




Whimsy 365: Day 60

December 8, 2015

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©Teresa Kogut, all rights reserved

Whimsy 365: Day 60

I seriously could draw snowmen every day. The challenge is to make each one unique.




Whimsy 365: Day 59

December 7, 2015

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©Teresa Kogut, all rights reserved

Whimsy 365: Day 59

Happy Monday!  I am happy to report, our Christmas tree is up and decorated! I still have a lot more to do to the rest of the house, but we’re off to a great start.

Hope you are enjoying the Christmas Season!






Whimsy 365: Day 58

December 6, 2015

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©Teresa Kogut, all rights reserved

Whimsy 365: Day 58


Yesterday was Holly Hills Primitives Christmas open house. I loved spending time at the shop with Dawn & Dick Rossell, Tammy Jias and Janet McClure. The customers are great and we just have so much fun.

I left early for Mallory’s benefit. The turn out was amazing. Standing room only! My hubby’s band was playing. The silent auction items were incredible: a few different wine tours, a box of 12 different wines from Michigan wineries, Pistons tickets, Red Wings tickets, etc. They also sold a ton of #teammal #malstrong t-shirts plus many folks paid the $10 for all you can eat pizza and salad. Mallory was there most of the night which was a blessing because if she wasn’t feeling well, she wouldn’t have been able to stay long.

The best part of the night was when Mallory announced her sister, Stephanie, is a 100% match for the bone marrow transplant!

God is Good!




Whimsy 365: Day 57

December 5, 2015

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©Teresa Kogut, all right reserved

Whimsy 365: Day 57

Went to my husband’s Remax Christmas party last night. I wasn’t going to go because just before leaving the studio, I checked my email account and found my PayPal debit card had been fraudulently used and over $500 was taken out of my account!! I called immediately to resolve the issue but was on hold for 40 minutes when I finally hung up because I needed to get ready for the party. I asked Kevin if he’d be mad at me if I didn’t go with him and he said he wouldn’t be mad, just disappointed.

I was in a really bad mood and didn’t want to bring him down by going. I wanted to stay home and get this PayPal issue taken care of. But then I thought….well, I only have $13.00 left in my account so the major damage was done and I can call them in them morning, so I went.

I am so very thankful that I didn’t let those thieves ruin my evening. We sat at a table with two other couples (I had never met them). They were a delight. We had an amazing night!

In times of trouble, make the CHOICE not to let it ruin your day or evening. Most of the time, things will work out and we create such chaos in our minds. Let go and let God. Breathe deep and keep calm.




Whimsy 365: Day 56

December 4, 2015

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©Teresa Kogut, all rights reserved

Whimsy 365: Day 56


Wow. Did this week fly by for you, too? Holy moly, I can’t believe it’s Friday already. Tonight we have my hubby’s Remax Christmas party. Up early tomorrow and heading to Holly for Holly Hills Primitives Christmas open house. Then topping off the day volunteering at a benefit to raise funds for my girlfriend’s daughter who is fighting leukemia.

Her name is Mallory. Prayers are very much appreciated.




Merry Christmas from Teresa Kogut’s Creative Whims Studio

Merry Christmas Video from Creative Whims Studio

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Whimsy 365: Day 55

December 3, 2015

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©Teresa Kogut, all rights reserved

Whimsy 365: Day 55


Not much to say today other than “awe”.




Whimsy 365: Day 54

December 2, 2015

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©Teresa Kogut, all rights reserved

Whimsy 365: Day 54


Sweet lil’ friends building a snowman together. We had about 12″ of snow a little over a week ago and it all melted quickly with rain showers the day before Thanksgiving. That is one thing I miss about being a child, playing in the snow. My brother and I would spend the entire day outside building snow forts, making snowmen, going sledding etc.

When our kids were little we got to re-live that fun a bit by playing in the snow with them or watching them enjoy the snow while sitting inside where it’s warm. It’s funny how the cold doesn’t bother you as much when you’re a child.

Now the kids are grown up and I’m waiting patiently for grandchildren….the next generation of snow-goers.

