Hydrangea Photoshoot

August 10, 2015

Hydrangea Photoshoot

pink hydrangea photo shoot 2

This morning I decided to combine some of my favorite things into a photoshoot. My favorite things being photography, hydrangeas, art, the bible and angels….and I should also mention Photoshop  😉

Yesterday I worked in the flower gardens all afternoon and part of that chore was trimming the faded and brown hydrangea flowers. However, I was lucky enough to find a few still worthy of bringing into our home to enjoy.

Hydrangeas are among my favorite flowers. When I was growing up, we would go to Missouri a few times a year to visit family. My grandma’s quaint little yellow house had the most spectacular hydrangea bush I have ever seen. It was in the back of her house and would tower over me as a small child. I was in awe of the gigantic blooms in the most beautiful hues ranging from periwinkle & lilac to soft blue & faded pink.

Because of this childhood memory, I have planted hydrangeas along the side of our garage next the the walkway leading to our front door. I had visions of my hydrangeas growing into very large bushes with tons of various colored blooms. Well, as you can see from the photo below my vision turned out to be only that…a vision from the past.

hydrangeas by garage

I still love my hydrangeas even though they are small and pink. There are a few reasons I believe they’re not growing to my liking; 1) they get too much sun 2) my soil doesn’t lend them to display the bluish-purple-hued blooms 3) who knows what variety my Grandma had planted as there are many varieties of hydrangeas. I do know they prefer acidic soil and I have used fertilizer to make my soil more acidic but unfortunately I haven’t found the right recipe. (I found and article here that might help)

Anyhoo, I do enjoy them and will continue to work at getting them to bloom in blue. Until then, I take delight in what nature has given me and I had a little fun this morning with a hydrangea photoshoot.

pink hydrangea photo shoot 4

pink hydrangea photo shoot 1

pink hydrangea photoshoot 3

signature sm tan

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Lisa Packard September 2, 2015 at 10:09 pm

Lace leaf hydrangeas are just about the most beautiful flower there is.


tkogut September 8, 2015 at 2:30 pm

I agree, Lisa!


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