Whimsy 365: Day 78

December 26, 2015


whimsy 365 day 78 122615

©Teresa Kogut, all rights reserved

Whimsy 365: day 78

We didn’t get home last night until 1am and I didn’t think to set my alarm. I woke up at 8:15 and flew out of bed! I needed to be at Mom’s house by 9am to help cook breakfast!  It was a bit stressful getting ready but I got there just after 9 and we enjoyed our time together cooking before everyone else arrived.

Another wonderful day surrounded by family. My heart is re-charged and I am feeling so blessed!

Today’s sketch is 2-part:

  1. We create our lives. What we think about, what we believe is our reality.  We are where we are in life because of our choices. I am a firm believer in this. So be careful and mindful of your thoughts. YOU are in control of your thoughts and beliefs.
  2. Guidance & partnership with God. God has a plan for us and we can only be truly happy, satisfied and successful if we work in partnership with our creator. So, yes, we create our lives and when I say “we” I mean us and God. Through prayer and a close relationship with God, the plan will be revealed to us. Doors will open, we will meet the right people, circumstances will occur that move you the right direction. Trust in Him.

So what I am saying is start with prayer. Ask for guidance. Ask for confidence. Ask for a partnership with God. But you must also keep positive. Have faith. Think good positive thoughts. Allow yourself time for prayer. Allow yourself time for visualizing the future you desire. Meditate in a state of gratitude.

Start today creating your life. The life you were intended to live.



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