Whimsy 365: Day 77

December 25, 2015

whimsy 365 day 77 122515

©Teresa Kogut, all rights reserved

Whimsy 365: Day 77


It’s finally here! I woke up early to stuff the stockings and bring out the Santa gifts :)  Then made coffee and now just chillin’ and waiting for the house to come alive.

We are attending 1130 mass today. Afterwards we will open gifts with our boys then off to Kevin’s brother’s home to celebrate. I am so very blessed to have not only married the man of my dreams but that he has such an amazing family! No drama at all! There will be approximately 50 of us there and I can guarantee everyone will have a great time.

Enjoy the day with your families and don’t forget to say happy birthday to Jesus, our Savior. Today is the day God gave us the Holy Family to model our families after. In order for our society to a kind & loving society we have to have kind, loving and prayerful families. I believe this whole-heartedly. #cherishyours



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