Whimsy 365: Day 76

December 24, 2015


whimsy 365 day 76 122415

©Teresa Kogut

Whimsy 365: Day 76

Merry Christmas Eve! What a strange year it is. Usually we head to Mom’s early for a wonderful Christmas breakfast but since she and I are still ill, we postponed it until the day after Christmas.

Sooooo…..today I am in the studio working on a commissioned painting for my girlfriend that lives in Tennessee. The painting is for her niece for Christmas. It is a painting of three angels. Each represents one of her daughters. The angels hair and eye color match the angels.

It’s coming along better than I had hoped!! So excited to show it to you all and even more excited for them to have the painting. My friend said she’d video tape her niece opening the box so hopefully I can share it here.

I am sure many of you are enjoying your families today. God Bless!



PS- Today’s sketch was inspired by our boys when they were little and would go visit Santa. I sure miss having little ones around for Christmas.

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