Whimsy 365: Day 173

March 30, 2016

whimsy 365 day 173 033016Whimsy 365: Day 173

I LOVE this quote. Not sure who created it. I did some research but didn’t find an author.

If we all could remember this when we are having a rough day or someone treats us badly. We could let things roll off our back a bit easier.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our oldest son, Kyle. He turns 23 today. Love ya to pieces!! Where did the time go? When the kids were little people would always say, “enjoy every minute of it because it goes by fast.” I did enjoy their childhood and I’m pretty sure they’d agree that we had lots of fun but everyone was right….it does go by fast. At the time you are living it, it doesn’t seem all that fast but once they’ve grown up and you look back on those precious years, you realize it was a blink of an eye.

So I will be “one of those” people who say…….Enjoy every minute of it, because it goes by fast!!!!



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