Whimsy 365: Day 11

October 20, 2015

whimsy 365 Day 11 102015

©Teresa Kogut, all rights reserved

Whimsy 365: Day 11


I can’t put my finger on it, but this angel’s face looks odd to me! I worked it and worked it. Sometimes it’s a struggle. I thought about scrapping it and starting over, but no…..I want this 365 challenge to be real and authentic. What I sketch, is just that…what I sketch, whether it turns out good or bad! Some days a drawing will flow out of the end of my pencil as if God is guiding my hand and other days it’s very forced and overworked.

The funny thing is, I will still probably still paint her. The paintings NEVER look exactly like the sketch anyway. I think by painting her face, I will discover what it is that’s bothering me and fix it.

Happy Tuesday,


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