We Survived Market Square…..

February 9, 2011

What a week it’s been……as you know, for the past several weeks I have been working like mad preparing for the Market Square wholesale show. The Wednesday before we left, I became ill with the flu and spent the day in bed feeling miserable. My poor husband had a strange “plague” (I call it a plague because we don’t know what it was…..a strange combination of cold and flu) that made him feel miserable for several days…but it really hit him hard with a high fever the same Wednesday that I was ill. So as you can imagine the following day, feeling up to it or not, we had to finish preparing for the show…..he still had to finish painting the booth and I had to price, pack, gather and load the truck. We worked Thursday until midnight getting ready. Friday morning, I was off to pick up my dear friend Renee and we hit the road to Oaks, Pennsylvania to the Market Square show. The first six hours of the trip, Renee and I didn’t stop talking…it was great! We hadn’t had much time together lately so we had a lot of catching up to do. Unfortunately as the day progressed I felt more and more ill….little did I know at the time I was coming down with the same “plague” Kevin had caught.

We arrived safe and sound Friday night around 8:15pm. Went straight to the room for some much needed rest. We had the entire next day to set up the booth. It was a new booth and it was also larger than any other booth I had ever set up, but we managed pretty good…..although I did miss my husband’s strength when it came to using the screw gun! Renee was a God-send on this trip. She really took good care of me. After setting up, we went to Target and got some Theraflu, cough drops, and herbal tea in hopes to knock this plague out of me.

The show was a great success and I am very excited about the connections I made. I wish I would have felt better so that Renee would have had a better experience. She had never been to a show and loved every minute of it despite my being ill. We agreed she will have to go with me again (next year I am getting a flu shot!)

I had a wonderful surprise waiting for me when I arrived at the show. Our booth was next to John & Cathy Schneeman’s. They are friends we made way back when we did the show 13 years ago!!! They now have a beautiful 8 year old daughter that has all the charm a young girl could have. It was a delight to see them again and play catch up after all these years. Check out their amazing reproduction lighting here.

{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }

WoolenSails February 9, 2011 at 9:15 pm

What a shame that you got the dreadful flu, during your show.
I love all your pieces, they look so beautiful in the display area.



Diane February 10, 2011 at 10:32 am

Teresa, great job! Your signature style is so evident!
Sorry to hear that you were down and out with the flu bug though. I hope the orders come roaring in!
Hugs, Diane


BETH YARBROUGH February 10, 2011 at 11:14 am

Great looking booth, girl. You rose to the occasion in spite of the flu. So glad the show was successful. Hope you’re “all better” now.


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