my latest work

February 6, 2013


20" x 20" acrylic over collage papers

©Teresa Kogut, all rights reserved

Here is a picture of my latest work. I had a lot of fun creating Sweetness….especially the background. I used color pencil over top the brown acrylic paint….love the way it looks. Her dress and outer halo is made out of fabric squares that I recieved 3 years ago in a welcome packet at a creative women’s gathering. I named this piece sweetness because of the gentle, loving and sweet look on her face.



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New Punchneedle

February 1, 2013


I have been punching away!!!  I taught a punchneedle class at Holly Hills Primitives in Holly, Michigan last Wednesday and by teaching these 8 wonderful ladies how to do punchneedle, I was inspired to add more new designs to my line for the Nashville Market coming up in March. I already have two more done!


This piece is called "Sweet Annie". Below you can see my original sketch. I plan to make it into a "pocket" with a handle for hanging, then fill it with, guess what????…..yep, sweet annie. It will be lovely when I get it done. The new patterns will be available in my shop soon.




Calendar Sale

January 31, 2013

calendar, teddy bears, country bears, teresa kogut


Calendar sale! WOOT! WOOT! It’s a calendar sale!!

I have only have a few Country Bears calendars left!

Get yours now for 40% off original price!

$14.00   Now only $8.40

Click here, then scroll down to Country Bears calendar



gift certificates available

January 31, 2013


I am excited to announce that I have gift certificates available!

This is perfect for birthday, anniversary, and Christmas gifts! All you do is fill out the names, email and dollar amount. You then have the option of printing it and putting it in a card or you can email it to the recipient.

Shopping made better :)

Click here for details.


New site, new products

January 29, 2013

So excited to finally have my new and improved….(and legit)…website up and running! My wordpress site that I created last year was considered a blog and I was not suppose to be doing ecommerce there. I imported my old site to my new site hosted by hostgator! Now we’re back in business!


Also, I have updated the shop with these wonderful new products from Coynes & Co. Coynes & Co. has licensed my angel artwork and developed these wonderful and useful products. Everything from totes to necklaces! You are sure to love them all. Available at my shop under "licensed products". They are due to arrive at my studio any day. I am thrilled to be working with such an amazing company and excited to be able to offer these products to you here on my website.



New Rug Patterns

January 29, 2013


Smaller rug patterns are now available… far only Halloween designs though.

Click here to see what hooked rug patterns are available


New from Gallerie II

January 9, 2013


Teresa Kogut Designs for Gallerie II

Gallerie II is introducing a collection of Christmas figures, ornaments and wall décor depicting the Holy Family designed by folk artist Teresa Kogut. The collection is rendered in rich colors and naïve, delicate features reminiscent of early Renaissance art. The collection includes a Mary, Joseph and Baby figure standing 11½", also available in a 4¾" ornament, one angel wall plaque, an angel figure and ornament. A Madonna and Child are available in wall plaque and ornament. Items in the collection range from $8-$40.    (Article from Gifts and Decorative Accessories)


A big thank you to Gallerie II for "nailing it". They really captured the expression and feel of my angels and Holy Family paintings. I cannot explain how exciting it is for me to be licensing this style of artwork. God gave me the gift of art and I am thrilled to be using His gift to create art that shares my faith and His word.




Glory to the Newborn King!!
 "Song of the Heart" by J Kirk Richards

I found this artwork on Pinterest….fell in love with it and wanted to share it with you. It makes me think of the angels singing at the moment Jesus was born. The joy and celebration that rang out in Heaven and on earth.

Hoping you all had a very Merry CHRISTmas
and wishing you a blessed 2013!

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art, bear, give away, FREE, print
Congratulations Tammy Brandstetter! You are the lucky winner of the November give away! I will send your 8×10 "Angel’s Bouquet" print right out in the mail as soon as you contact me with your address.
Thank you to everyone for entering the drawing! I had the most names ever to draw from! The next give away will be announced some time after the new year.


Well said…..

December 20, 2012

Where Was God? Mike Huckabee’s Incredible Response to the Newtown Shooting Tragedy from anberlin_fan on GodTube.


I was so moved by this video that I just had to share it. I don’t want to get into any political "he said", "she said" issues. This, for me, has nothing to do with being a democrat or republican. Let’s be real and look at the truth…….as a society, God has been pushed aside and only called upon in times of crisis. God needs to be in our lives EVERYDAY….we need Him in our homes, schools, and offices. Without God, we allow evil to step in and cause pain, suffering and hopelessness. God is love…..He can be nothing else. God also gave us free will. We decide for ourselves whether or not we want a relationship with Him. I choose God.


angels, scripture, art, painting,