Join My Creative Whims Newsletter

Screen Shot 2015-06-10 at 11.31.53 AMpictured above is a screenshot of the beginning of my June 2015 newsletter

Join a newsletter? Why, you ask? It’s the best way to keep informed. I know many of you follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc but if you’re not looking at those social media platforms all the time, you can miss important announcements. For example, last week I offered a one-day sale of 40% all punchneedle and cross stitch patterns. I have never done that before so wasn’t sure of the response I would get. I only announced it on Facebook. Some folks contacted me a day too late and some heard about it from the lucky ones that got the discount only it was too late for them to take advantage of the sale. (whew! I was overjoyed and yet overwhelmed by the number of orders I received, I’m glad it was only a one-day sale!!) But you get what I’m saying, right? When someone posts on Facebook, it may be hours later before you can login to Facebook and the post is way down in the feed so you miss it. Joining my email list via my newsletter is a way to never miss out again. Any Facebook sale I do in the future will also be sent via email. So don’t miss out, join today!

What’s in the newsletter? I announce when new patterns are available. I show some of my latest works of art. I’ll let you know what’s new at Gather Dream Create. I always throw in a little bit of what’s going on in my personal life. Special sales for newsletter subscribers (the best part!). Inspiring quotes and usually fun bit of art to top it off. But here is the most important reason why you should join my newsletter:  it’s the safest way to stay connected!

Yesterday, I learned that hackers can take over your social media platforms and wreak havoc. To learn how and why they do it, listen here to Chalene Johnson’s podcast. Hackers held her hostage and turned her world upside down. She shares her experience and how to keep it from happening to you!

Although she’s re-gained control of her email accounts, her social media accounts are still a disaster and she lost thousands of followers because of it. Very sad. Currently, her only way of communicating with her followers is through her email list.

Therefore, I encourage you to join my newsletter. There’s a few ways you can do this; go here to see my latest newsletter and sign up there, click here to sign up on my blog, or sign up in the right hand column of this page.

Once you join my email list, I promise I will not bombard you with a ton of junk. My newsletter comes every so often. The goal is monthly, but it happens more like bi-monthly or even quarterly depending on how hectic life is at the time. You may receive an email once in a great while announcing a sale or new pattern release.

IMPORTANT: Once you have signed up, please, please, please add to your contacts so the newsletter doesn’t get filed in your spam folder. That’s it! You can be assured to stay connected with the craziness of my creative life :)

The June 2015 newsletter just went out this morning. Here is a link so you can check it out.

signature sm tan


Nashville Needlework Show 2015


Liberty Punchneedle 2015

This year’s Nashville Needlework Market was the best we’ve ever had! Maybe it had to do with the new show promoters, Yarn Tree and Needlework Retailer….but definitely a good sign that the economy is getting stronger!

We introduced 14 new cross stitch charts and 11 new punchneedle patterns! Go here to see all the cross stitch and here for all the punchneedle. A big thank you to all the model stitchers that made it possible to introduce so many cross stitch designs! I couldn’t possibly do the punchneedle and cross stitch myself. I am very grateful for you all.

The biggest change this year is that we are no longer offering the punchneedle patterns with pre-printed weaver’s cloth. It was a tough decision and it was rather last minute when we finally made the decision to go that route. The screen printer we worked with increased their price significantly and had way too long of a turn-around time ….2 weeks and sometimes longer. This caused many a headache for me. It also made keeping stock very difficult. Last May, I posed the question on a punchneedle Facebook group asking if it mattered to them (these were consumers) whether or not the image was pre-printed or they had to trace the image on the weaver’s cloth themselves. It was a great discussion and very helpful in helping us make our decision. People were very responsive to tracing it themselves in order to save a bit of money. So we took a leap of faith and introduced that concept at market this year. The retailers were not surprised by the change and not one of them said it was a bad idea. Whew! It’s kind of scary making a change like that but thankfully it worked out.

In order to help consumers transfer the image to the weaver’s cloth (which is included in the pattern), I have a video showing 3 ways to transfer the image to weavers cloth in order to make it easier. NOTE: the video will be available March 9th here.

Merry Halloween pne 2015

Merry Halloween Punchneedle

Give Ye Thanks pne 2015

Give Ye Thanks Punchneedle

A huge thank you is in order for Yarn Tree and Needlework Retailer Magazine. They did an impressive job organizing and promoting this market. They were friendly and gracious, greeting exhibitors with a goody bag and later going room to room thanking each exhibitor for attending the show. I heard nothing but positive comments from exhibitors and retailers.

Just a word before I go…..Please, if you have a needlearts shop near you, purchase your patterns, charts and supplies from them. It is imperative that we ALL support local small businesses. Only purchase from my site if you don’t have access to a retail shop near you. Thank you.

 pne display nashville 2015


XS display nashville 2015


angels wings framed


divided house framed

Thank you for stopping by. Happy stitching!

signature sm tan

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Five Tips For An Enjoyable Christmas Season

568-Christmas Primitives 8x10

“Christmas Primitives”

watercolor by Teresa Kogut

print available here

Even though your to-do list grows ten-fold this time of year. Try not to let it consume you. Take time to enjoy the season.  Try these 5  tips for an enjoyable Christmas season.

  1. Focus on Christ’s birth. Remember the reason for the season is one sure way to make the Christmas season more enjoyable. When you think you have it rough, turn your focus on Jesus, Mary and Joseph and what they had to endure when Christ was born. Prepare your heart for Jesus’ birth. Give thanks for all the gifts you already have in your life and most importantly….GIVE. Help those in need. Our church has a giving tree where you take a tag from the tree and it has a person’s name, gender, age, clothing & shoe size along with some gift ideas listed. Toys for Tots is also a great way to help the less fortunate have a joyful Christmas.
  2. Go with the flow. Don’t try to make everything perfect! For one reason, it’s impossible. We can drive ourselves crazy trying to get everything perfect. The perfect tree. The perfect gift. The perfect outfit for a party. The perfect decorations, and so on. Don’t be so hard on yourself. Do your best and forget the rest. Because if you are doing your best, that’s always good enough.
  3. Be organized before you go shopping. I have a journal that has pockets. I have used it every year for the past 10 years at least. Each year I make a list of everyone we are buying a gift for. I write a couple ideas next to their name. When I purchase their gift, I write what I bought, how much I spent and I tuck the receipt in the pocket. This way every year I know about how much to spend and I make sure not to buy someone the same gift twice. This has been a life-saver!!
  4. Stay healthy. During the holiday season there are many more social gatherings where rich delicious food and alcoholic drinks are plentiful. Moderation is the key here for both. Also, get plenty of sleep. Lack of sleep combined with stress can weaken your immune system. Lastly, stick to your regular workout routine. Not only will you have more energy but it will help you maintain your weight while overindulging in calories.
  5. Plan time in your schedule for enjoyment. Take a drive around and enjoy the incredible displays of Christmas lights, attend a special holiday concert, make snow angels with the kids, or just take a long hot bath. One of my favorite holiday traditions is watching Christmas movies. I love everything from Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer and Frosty the Snowman to Christmas Vacation and A Christmas Story.

I am blessed with an amazing family so I don’t have to worry about the tension that some families experience during the holidays. Refer to #1 if you do.

Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Healthy, Happy, Prosperous New Year!

signature sm tan


10 Ways To Stay Focused & Get More Done Every Day



In the evening while reflecting on your busy day, do you feel like you were productive? Every day is filled with so many distractions, such as, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, phone calls, kids, pets, errands (I could go on), and suddenly it’s Friday. You look back over the week and wonder “where did all the time go” all the while your to-do list just keeps growing.

Let’s look at some simple steps you can take to help you stay focused so you can tackle your to-do list and accomplish your goals.

  1. Track Your Hours. How are you spending your day? Keep track of not only the hours you work but what you do during those hours. You can then look it over and see where you are spending most of your time. Are the tasks you focused on getting you closer to your goals? Or are you busy with tasks that are time wasters? Being busy isn’t the same as being accomplished. We can be busy all day but not accomplish anything important. Do this for a week and then analyze it, Cut out the time wasters and you’ll find your productivity sky rocket!
  2. Determine When You’re At Your Best. Are you a morning person or a night owl? Work with your natural inner clock. I prefer mornings so I am up and at it bright and early. I find I get the most accomplished early in the day when I have the most energy. The beauty of owning your own business is that you can work when it works for you. When my boys were little, I would work early mornings before they awoke and then again while they napped and then again after they went to bed. Maybe you’re a night owl and you start your day after dinner and work into the night. Whatever you do, keep your sleep pattern as consistent as possible to maximize your energy.
  3. Establish a Routine. Just because you’re your own boss doesn’t mean you should take time off whenever you want. Sleep in whenever you want. Take long lunches. These habits are not conducive to a successful business. When I first started my business, some of my friends would call in the middle of the day to simply chat or invite me to lunch or an afternoon of shopping. When I would say “I can’t, I’m working”, they would respond with “Oh, come on. You’re your own boss, blah, blah, blah. Especially when first starting a business you have to be dedicated. Treat it like a REAL JOB. Set hours to work and stick to it.
  4. Break Down Your Goals. Goal setting is a must for everyone but especially a business owner. Once you have set your goals for the year. Break them down into intentional activities. How are you going to accomplish that goal? What do you need to do in order to reach that goal? Once you have a list of intentional activities for your goals, it can still feel overwhelming. Break it down even further. Create daily tasks that will get you closer and closer every day. You will build momentum towards your goals by accomplishing these smaller activities.
  5. Plan the Night Before. Every evening create a list of intentional activities for the next day. Ask yourself, “which are the most important activities that will move me closer to my goal?” Pick the top three activities then go after them with laser focus first thing when you arrive at work. This will set you up for success and you will feel accomplished.
  6. Don’t Be A Puppet. This goes back to #3. If you have customers/clients that know you are at every beck and call, you will find yourself working when you should be spending time with your family, exercising, etc. When you clock out for the day, seriously, clock out! Don’t check your emails or voicemail until you are back at work the next day. When you unplug from your business, you will be recharged and energized the following day. As a business owner, it is crucial not to let your business run you, you need to run your business.  Keep your life in balance….all work and no play…well, you know the rest.
  7. Just Say No. Oh Lord, did I struggle with this one…still do at times, 20 years later.  If you have a full schedule and are on track to meet your deadlines and goals, just say “no” to any inquiries that are not in line with your plans. Ask yourself, “is this going to move me forward towards my goal or is this a distraction?” Trust me, it will become easier to discern what will help or hinder you as you grow your business. Saying no also becomes easier.
  8. Streamline Repetitive Tasks. Analyze your business and see if there is any way to simplify tasks you find yourself doing over and over. For example, if you have customers/clients constantly asking the same questions, maybe it’s time to put a FAQ page on your blog so you can easily refer them to it. I use these FAQ as topics for writing articles then I can refer people to that article with a link in an email. What a time-saver this can be!
  9. Set a Time for Phone Calls & Emails. Again, don’t be at everyone’s beck and call. Answering the  phone in the middle of creating a painting or writing an article can set you back 30 minutes to an hour because you lost your focus and momentum. Set a time in your day when it’s convenient for YOU to make all your phone calls and answer all your emails.
  10. Make a Dream Board. There’s no better way to stay focused than to have your dream board visible in your studio or office. Not that you sit and gaze at it until you wander off into day-dream land. But look at it first thing when you arrive at work. This will set the tone for your day. Throughout the day, just by having it in sight, it will creep into your subconscious and you’ll find yourself on the fast track to success. What is a dream board? Cut out pictures of your dream life, your dream car, dream house. Cut out words and inspirational messages. What fires you up? Put that on your dream board. Anything you want in your future, put it on your dream board. Visualizing your life the way you want it will keep you on track throughout the day, week, month, year until those pictures on your dream board become your reality.

With these 10 simple steps you’ll take charge of your business and success will be yours!

signature sm tan



Tell me where you struggle to stay focused. Which of the 10 steps listed above will help you most?


Rug Hooking Week at Sauder Village 2014


Historical Sauder Village in Archibold Ohio is the perfect setting rug hooking week. The village itself has a host of craft buildings and studios which are home to several nationally recognized craftsmen working with traditional crafts in both historic and modern interpretations. Also on the premises is the carpeted 10,000 square foot Founder’s Hall. The hall becomes a center for receptions, trade shows and exhibitions, including Sauder Village’s annual quilt, rug hooking, doll and woodcarving shows.

I was honored to vend and teach punchneedle at Sauder Village this year during rug hooking week. I’ve vended at many shows during my career but this show was extraordinary. The energy in the hall was high as women (and a few men) from all over the country gather to view the beautiful hooked rugs on display and shop for wool, patterns and other goodies from the vendors. During the week there are many workshops going on throughout the day and evenings as well as 4-day retreats that are held over at the Heritage Inn.

I’ve been to Sauder Village Rug Hooking week three times in previous years just on a day trip, but staying for the entire show was thoroughly enjoyable. I met some of the nicest folks and saw many friends from Michigan!

Sauder 40 heritage inn

Sauder Village Heritage Inn Lobby

The Heritage Inn is absolutely beautiful. Throughout the Inn the beautiful fireplace, atriums with live plants, comfortable furniture, natural wood timbers and hand-forged lamps and railings set the casual, friendly tone. The quilts and hooked rugs decorate the walls making the Inn even more like home.

Sauder 35 tree

Kevin sitting under the “big oak” after enjoying breakfast.

Sauder 36 kev under tree

So glad Kevin was able to join me for the show. Just so happened he had four “Beatles” gigs in Ohio during the same week so he was here and there.

There were nearly 600 rugs on display this year! Because I was vending, I didn’t have a lot of time to walk around and observe the rugs like I had wanted. I did arrive early one morning to snap shots of some of the rugs that really spoke to me. Believe me, all the rugs on display were beautiful but I didn’t have time or room on my camera to take photos of each one. I also don’t have the information about each piece but will share what I do have. Sorry if I missed your rug!

Sauder 8

This tiger rug is the most beautifully executed rug I have ever laid eyes on. I must say I was a little embarrassed to have my “Booo” punch rug under it

Sauder 9 tiger close up


designed and hooked by April D DcConick of Brighton, Michigan

measures 36″ x 48″ using 11 colors in 88 shades

Sauder 24

Also designed and hooked by April D DeConick

Sauder 2

Sauder 6

This display was interesting. The coverlet rug patterns, designed by Barbara Carroll of Woolley Fox, were created to support the National Museum of the American Coverlet. Each rug design was inspired by the elements, shapes, and figures found in American coverlets.  Read more here.

Sauder 7

Sauder 10

Sauder 11“February”

Celebration of Hand-Hooked Rugs XXIV Honorable Mention

Rug designed and hooked by Gunda Gamble of Ariss, Ontario

Sauder 12“Sapphire”

Celebration of Hand-Hooked Rugs XXIV Finalist

Designed by Leonard Feenan, hooked by Judy Carter of Willow Street, Pennsylvania

Sauder 13

Sauder 14

Sauder 15

Sauder 16

“Antique Flower Basket”

designed and hooked by Maggie Bonanomi of Lexington Missouri

(I personally love the more primitive rugs)

Sauder 17

Sauder 18

Sauder 19

Sauder 20

Sauder 21

Sauder 22

I LOVE the top one in the above photo. The wool strips were 1/2 wide. It gave the rug a very primitive look.

Sauder 23

Sauder 25

Love the combination of quilting & hooking in this mix media rug.

Sauder 26

It has always been a dream of mine to have on of my designs hooked by someone and on display at Sauder!! This was a wonderful surprise!


Hooked by Marilyn Denning of Burlington, Wisconsin

Thank you Marilyn, you did an amazing job!

Sauder 27


Sauder 28

So sad this photo is blurry. It is a stunning rug!

Sauder 29

This cute prim pillow was on display in Heavens to Betsy’s booth. So cute!

Sauder 30 pne

more punchneedle

Sauder 2014-1

Sauder 31 vendors

Vendors to my left

Sauder 37 my booth

My booth

Sauder 38

Vendors to my right

Sauder 3

This is the view from the back of the hall. The doors straight ahead is where you’d enter the room. My booth is directly through those doors.

Sauder 4

View from the back of the hall to the left.

Sauder 5

View from the back of the hall to the right.

Lenny&mesauder2014Leonard Feenan & Me

I finally met Lenny this year. Lenny is an amazing artist, you can see his work here. He and I had been messaging back and forth a bit last year. He contacted me to encourage me to translate my angels into rug patterns. Lenny translates his wildlife art into rug patterns and gave me some tips on how I could do the same with my angel paintings. (thank you, Lenny) I had several people ask if I had rug patterns featuring my angels so looks like that is in my near future!

Ali Strebel from Kindreds Spirits was also teaching and vending at Sauder. I’m going to send her my “Rejoice” angel drawn on linen along with a color print so she can color match the wool for me. She is amazing at what she does, and she does a lot!  So that’s my goal by next year….to have “Rejoice” hooked and on display at Sauder’s Rug Hooking Week! (wish me luck)

If you love hooked rugs, you have to find a way to attend Rug Hooking week next year! It is loads of fun and you will be filled with inspiration and joy. I am hoping to be invited back next year as a vendor. I also hope to teach punchneedle again next year as my class sold out and I had enough on the waiting list for another full class! So glad to see punchneedle still alive and kickin!! Hope to see you there!

signature sm tan

Which rug is your favorite??


The Oola Guys & Gary Vaynerchuck: Great Tips for Building Your Business In Today’s World

The way to build a business in today’s world is far different than it was 10 years ago. Dr Troy, the Oola Guru, and Dr. Dave, the Oola Seeker interview Gary Vaynerchuk about how to build a business in today’s world.

So who are these people and why should you take their advice? Well, I had the absolute pleasure of seeing the Oola guys speak this past weekend at a Young Living conference. They were amazing and so energetic. They can show you how to balance and grow in the 7 F’s of your life; Faith, Family, Friends, Finance, Field, Fun & Fitness. Here is their story:

Also to learn more, go to the Oola blog.

And Gary Vaynerchuk:


I recommend the Oola book “Oola Finding Balance in and Unbalanced World” and Gary’s book,”Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook” for getting and keeping your life in balance so you can enjoy all areas of your life and grow your business in today’s fast paced world.

signature sm tan





Now, go get those books and be on your way to a better life!


Product Review: Cold Press vs Hot Press Watercolor Paper


Have you ever wondered what the difference was between cold press and hot press watercolor paper? Me too! Over the past 24 years, I have been painting on 140lb cold press watercolor paper. I recently did an interview with Pat Yuille (you can watch the interview with a membership to the Gather Dream Create Inner Circle) and she uses hot press watercolor paper. I love her art and the vibrant colors so I wanted to try it for myself.

In the video I paint an angel first on the cold press paper and then on the hot press paper. This was my first time using hot press paper. I discovered the cold press paper is textured while the hot press in very smooth. The cold press soaks up the paint like a sponge and the hot press slowly soaks up the paint allowing more time to move the paint around. I like both, but I may just have to make the switch to hot press for a while to really see which one I like best.

I also mention in the video that these paintings are very small, 6×6 to be exact. I didn’t like the texture of the cold press paper for the angel painting. I think partly because it was such a small painting. The angel painted on the hot press paper looked better because there was no texture and her skin was smooth; like an angel’s skin should be, right!?

Anyhoo, I hope you enjoy the video and I also hope it helps you to determine which paper will work best for you and your art. Happy Painting!

signature sm tan

Do you paint on cold press, hot press watercolor paper, or both??  Which do you prefer?


Product Review: Caromal Colours Chipping Creme


One of my favorite products! Caromal Colours Chipping Creme is a must-have for the style of art I create. Watch the video to learn how the chipping creme works to protect my layer of collage work or another paint color underneath. Once you start using this product you will wonder how you managed without it.

Here is an explanation of the chipping creme from the Caromal Colours site:

“Chipping Creme is a product designed to work between separate layers of Textured Basecoat, like peanut butter between two slices of bread. This material creates a poor bonding layer between your Textured Basecoats, allowing you to remove the upper layer of Textured Basecoat in decorative patches, exposing the first or background color layer. The result is a chipped or worn-off “old world” paint finish look. Chipping Creme can be brushed or rolled on your surface.”

The chipping creme was originally designed to be used on furniture but I like to think outside the box and discovered it works well for artists, too.

After filming this video, I decided to try something else using the chipping creme. I have some rather large vintage tin ceiling tiles that I am anxious to paint on. I purchased them a year or so ago and they are fabulous! They are a bit rusty with a couple layers of chipped paint here and there. They would make an amazing surface for an angel painting or Mary & Jesus painting.

I am testing it out now. My hope is that the chipping creme will create a strong enough barrier to keep the rust from bleeding through the painting and also keep the layers of chipped paint in place. I will probably put two or three coats of the chipping creme on the tin tiles before painting the angel art. Wish me luck! Stay tuned for the outcome!

If you would like to purchase Caromal Colours Chipping Creme, go here.

Happy Creating!

signature sm tan


Product Review: JoSonja Crackle Medium



I love to “age” the look of my art. Through trial & error I have found the perfect product for achieving the look I want by using JoSonja Crackle Medium.

After I am finished with my painting, I sand it with a fine sandpaper to help give it an aged look. I then dust it off and apply Liquitex Gloss Varnish and let dry. It has been my experience that the longer you let the gloss dry, the smaller the crackle will be. If the air is dry then 1 hour seems to work perfectly. By applying the crackle medium after only an hour drying time, the crackles are larger and more deep…which creates a realistic crackling effect.

Once the crackle medium has dried for a few hours, I take an old t-shirt or towel and dip into water then into raw umber acrylic paint and wipe over the painting. Then quickly take a dry part of the cloth and wipe again leaving the brown paint only in the cracks.

Again, let the painting dry. Apply a coat of Liquitex Matte Varnish over the painting, let dry at least 3 hours, then apply a second coat. That’s it! You now have an aged looking painting.

I hope this was useful information for you. Let me know if you have another product that works well for this application.

signature sm tan


Interview with Pat Yuille at the GDCIC



Lots of new and exciting ideas for my blog as well as for GDCIC! The above video is a short clip of the interview I had with Pat Yuille last week. She was gracious enough to invite me into her home for the interview. In order to watch the entire video you must be a member at the Gather Dream Create Inner Circle. Go here to learn more.

Pat and I met several years ago when we ran into each other at the quilt market in Minneapolis. I was vending with my punchneedle and rug patterns so it must have been around 2004. Many months later I was at my friend’s shop, Wren in the Willow, for a signing and guess who showed up….Pat! She chuckled and said she was my stalker. I was so delighted that she lived nearby! We had a great conversation and decided to meet for lunch that next week. After that lunch, we both got busy in our daily lives and lost touch for a while….more like years.

When I launched Gather Dream Create Inner Circle in 2013, I decided to get in touch with her and ask her if she’d be willing to do an interview for the GDCIC. I had lost her number due to getting a new phone so I did what most people do when trying to find an artist. I went to the internet. I hoped she had a facebook page or something but no luck. I even contacted a couple of her licensees to see if they could get me in touch with her but still no luck. (who’s stalking who now?)

Finally, one day I discovered Pat’s email address buried in my studio and I emailed her. We met for lunch and I asked her for the interview and a couple months later, voila! Here we are! Many thanks to Pat for opening up her home to us and sharing her knowledge about art and licensing.


Starting next week, here on this blog, I will be posting product reviews and licensee spotlights! I am very excited to share these ideas with you. The first product review will be JoSonja Crackle Medium and the first licensee spotlight will be Park Designs.

signature sm tan