Be Determined to Create the Life You Deserve
Do you feel stuck in a dead end job? Do you look forward to going to work every day or do you dread it? Do you feel there is something more to life but you don’t know where to start? Start living the life you deserve! I will show you how.
I believe through prayer God will reveal His plan for you. His plan may be that you are a school teacher and you inspire kids to love learning. You may have a full-time job but are called to work with the youth at your church on the weekends. Maybe God wants you to start your own business so you can offer jobs to others and inspire them in their work. Maybe you are an artist and God wants you to spread His word in your paintings. Whatever it may be, it will be revealed to you little by little through prayer; doors will open to opportunity, you will meet people that play a part in God’s plan, "things" will just fall into place.
Ask, and it shall be given you;
seek, and ye shall find;
knock, and it shall be opened unto you.
Matthew 7:7
God gave everyone special gifts and talents, yes, everyone! That gift is from God and you are called to use that gift for the benefit of others. When you are following God’s plan, you will make connections with other people and play a part in their quest to follow God’s plan. It works harmoniously. Once you believe you have discerned, through prayer, what path you should take in this amazing life of yours, never give up, don’t let anyone or anything get in the way of success.
A note about "once you believe you have discerned"……be patient, be faithful in prayer, but don’t miss the signs either….the quiet whispers…..the pull on your heart. If you believe God’s calling you down a path, start now, start today setting goals and working towards achievement. As you move towards your goals, you may be led in a different way than you originally thought. It will unfold as you go. Don’t think you will know the entire plan up front. The important thing it to start!
Here are some tips to get you moving toward the life you deserve.
- Pray Everyday – ask for guidance, ask God to reveal His plan one day at a time, ask for direction and always, always give thanks.
- Attitude of Servanthood – Don’t focus on your gifts and talents only as a tool to create wealth. Use them to help others along the way. Inspire and encourage others to create the life they deserve as well. Have the attitude of servanthood and you will find reward.
- Stay Positive – You are built for greatness! Listen to what you are saying and thinking about yourself. It’s not a coincidence that our behavior and actions follow what we believe to be true. If you believe you can, you probably will. On the other hand, if you believe you can’t, you probably won’t. You create your own reality based on your self-image. Start and end your day with positive self-talk. Zig Ziglar has helped me with this. Print this self-talk card and read it every morning and just before bed. Also, throughout the day, if a negative thought about yourself (or anything else for that matter) surfaces, stop yourself and replace it with two positive thoughts.
- Mistakes & Failures – We are bound to make mistakes. Nobody’s perfect. It is how we respond to mistakes that is the key to success. Failure only exists when we allow a mistake to cripple us and keep us from moving forward. Look at your mistakes as stepping stones to success, learn from them and move on. The fact is, the most successful people have more mistakes in their lives than average people do. Failure is only permanent if we quit and give up. Build and learn from your mistakes. "The call is higher than the fall." – John L Mason
- Physical Health – It is equally important to take care of your physical health as well as your mental and spiritual health. Here are some basic and easy-to-implement tips to keep you strong and healthy.
- Cut out processed foods and eat mostly whole foods.
The more processing that a food goes through, the more additives and less nutrients it contains. Processing removes a great deal (if not all) of the vitamins, minerals and fiber in most foods. To make matters worse, processing then adds in unhealthy fats, a ton of sugar or sugar substitute and synthetic vitamins and minerals.
Most of these ingredients, including artificial sweeteners, artificial colors, hydrogenated oils and high fructose corn syrup, are not even recognized as edible by your body. Think about that. You wouldn’t eat a bowl of paper clips, so why would you eat something else that wasn’t actually food? These non-food ingredients are considered toxins and most will end up languishing in your system, often stored with fat.
Cut out drugs and alcohol.
For obvious reasons, you want to steer clear of these mind altering and personality altering stimulants. They are not only harmful to your physical body but to to your mind and spirit as well. One will have regrets, make bad choices and ultimately grow distant from God and His plans by indulging in drugs and alcohol.
- Drink water!
I know you’ve heard this over and over and over. And why have you heard it so often? Because it’s TRUE! You need water to regulate body temperature and to provide the means for nutrients to travel to your organs and tissues. It also helps transport oxygen to your cells, removes waste, and protects your joints and organs. Hello?!??! It’s that basic! How much water do you need a day? At least 8- 8oz glasses a day. Take a 24oz water container with you to work. Drink two at work and one when you get home and voila, you’re done for the day and you even got a little extra, which never hurt anyone.
- Monitor Calorie Intake.
Most people over eat, plain and simple. Check here to see how many calories you need a day to maintain your weight. I have a secret weapon that helps me to know how many calories I am eating each day. It’s an app called My Fitness Pal. I have it on my droid and can also access it on the computer. You can save meals that you repeat often and add in your exercise as well. It is a must have!
- Work out!
No excuses!! You should to be doing cardio as well as some weight training. Get some DVDs so you can do it at home. It’s less expensive and convenient, too. For starters, walk like you are late for 45 minutes 4 days a week. Exercise is not only about losing weight, it gets the blood pumping for a healthier heart, lungs, brain, joints, etc. It will give you more energy throughout the day. No excuses! Everyone can find 30-60 minutes – 4 times a week to get moving!
- Adequate sleep.
7-8 hours a night is adequate. Some nights are less, but try for at least 7. Eat dinner at least 3 hours before you retire, don’t drink fluids before bed, turn off the tv, put earplugs in your ears, use lavender essential oil to relax you…whatever it takes! But you need rest!
Follow these tips every day and you will become the best version of yourself which will in turn give you the confidence, courage, strength and momentum to create the life you not only deserve but the life God designed for YOU!
I recently found yoga_girl on Instagram and was intrigued by her story and determination. I wanted to share her story with you in the hopes that she might inspire you as she has inspired me.
Rachel Brathen aka yoga_girl
I was born with scoliosis, and after a car accident in my teens my back was nothing short of a mess. I was in serious pain every day for years. It wasn’t until three years ago or so that I got serious about the physical aspect of yoga. Everything was painful, and I had such a fear of backbending that even the thought of Wheel Pose made me shiver. I had never done a handstand in my life until two years ago. Ever! Yoga healed me.
She didn’t accept her situation. She was determined. She took steps every day to overcome……and she did!
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Thank you for such a great article. Very encouraging.