What a wonderful weekend we had at the Holy Rosary parish campout at the Berwagana campground in Vassar Michigan! Friday was extremely humid and put a damper on things…Saturday morning was a bit rough as well but mid afternoon the humidity and temperature lightened up a bit and it was much more pleasant. The weekend was full of fun….swimming, volleyball, ladder ball, campfires, smores, tie-dying, pinata for the kids, empty beer can toss for the men, iron skillet toss for the women, pot luck, pancake breakfast and mass outside under tents……it doesn’t get better than that!!! Matter of fact…the weather Sunday was so amazing we stayed an extra day!! I am so happy that our family has made a home at Holy Rosary and have formed so many great friendships there. A big thank you to the Corcoran family for organizing and working so hard to make this annual event so fun-filled.
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