I hope you all had a wonderful Mother’s Day yesterday! Mine started out with a walk around the property with my dogs (I am an early riser, so everyone else was asleep). I then went into the studio and started to go through all the photos on my computer for Ryan’s 8th grade graduation coming up in a couple of weeks…..I laughed, I cried, I laughed again……So many great times we’ve had together as a family! Almost EVERY picture of Ryan was of him being silly and making funny faces! He had no idea these pictures could be in his classmates slideshow at the end of 8th grade! teehee
I teared up a bit because the pictures brought floods of memories back and I remember taking each photo as if it happened yesterday. The kids have grown soooo fast and when I stop and realize how fast time goes it disturbs me a bit and makes me want to spend every possible moment enjoying my family.
I had only gotten through year 2005 when the intercom went off…..it was Ryan….he had made me a Mother’s Day breakfast and was calling me up to the house to eat
It was a wonderful and delicious surprise!

After breakfast we went to mass, then spent the rest of the afternoon at my parents house for a cookout and outdoor games. A perfect day! Sunny, in the 70s with a nice breeze and best of all we were all together!
Ryans toss
Kevin and I took a walk around the property when we returned home….what a beautiful warm evening….and so still. You can see by the stillness of the pond below. A perfect end to a perfect day!
Wildflowers behind the spruce trees at the back of our property
The view of our house from across Kogut pond……
Wishing you all a fantastic week!!! and remember….
God never creates anything mediocre….you were born for greatness!
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It looks like you had a wonderful day with your family.
Wonderful photos and if you think it is hard now, wait 20 years and then look at the photos of their baby picts;)
Oh my Debbie….I don’t want to think that far ahead! Hope you had a lovely Mother’s Day too
Love the punch needle