“Wrapped in Friendship”
8×10 watercolor
©Teresa Kogut, all rights reserved
Do you have trouble finding time in everyday to get done not only what NEEDS to be done but working towards large goals/projects for the future??? Argh, me too. I have two businesses….well, you could say three. One is my licensing business, two is my pattern business and three is promoting/selling my work retail through my website, Etsy, American-Artists.com, and various shows. I find it VERY challenging to give each one of these the time they need to be successful. There are too many days when I let my business dictate my direction..not good. (obviously, some days will be like that when there is a fire to put out) If I come to work and just go from one thing to the next with no plan, at the end of the day I feel like I worked my tush off, but didn’t accomplish anything. Sure, I filled my retail orders, answered emails, updated my social media status (and that sure can suck you in and before you know it, an hour has passed by) and hopefully worked on a painting or punchneedle pattern. But I have big goals and exciting plans for my future and if I don’t specifically set time aside for these endeavors, I will never get there.
Sooooo, here is my plan and hopefully this might help you as well in organizing your day.
* early morning (while Ryan is getting ready for school I have about an hour) I work on punchneedle or work on a watercolor painting….my goal for Nov/Dec is to paint one watercolor a day within 2 hours
*Arriving at the studio, I finish my daily watercolor painting, then answer emails and fill retail orders
*Set timer for social media…allowing 1/2 hour for FB, pinterest, twitter, etc.
*1 hour to update blog (this I only do 2-3 times a week) but I an now keeping a notebook of blogging ideas so I don’t feel like “oh my gosh, I haven’t updated my blog in 4 days, what can I talk about!?!?!?!?!”
NOTE: on the days I don’t update my blog, I spend that time updating my website, Etsy, American-Artists.com, and my new avenue Artsyhome.com
*Mondays and Fridays I devote to my pattern business. I sell punchneedle and rug patterns but I am adding cross stitch and applique patterns to the mix so I need to be spending more time achieving those goals…..Next TNNA show is in March!
*Wednesdays and Thursdays are spent painting acrylic paintings 3>
*Tuesdays…….I reserve Tuesday to work on a new adventure (and will probably do this on some Saturdays as well until I get it up and running) more info to come on this at a later date. It is a fresh new fun and exciting idea but I don’t know how long it’s going to take to set up so I am keeping it hush, hush for now 

*As an artist, I always have my sketchbook nearby….you never know when an idea will strike! Seriously, I try to sketch SOMETHING everyday….when, you ask? while cooking dinner, while waiting for a Dr. appt, etc or just sit down for 20 minutes and sketch whatever pops in your mind, sometimes those turn out to be the best ideas or will spark a series of related ideas.
When I stick to this plan, I feel such a sense of accomplishment! Oh and a great tip from Mary Kay….before you leave the studio or office every day, the last thing you do is make a list of 5 things you HAVE to do the next morning…..you don’t do anything else until these 5 things are done and with laser focus, it doesn’t take too awful long.
Here is an interesting article about time management mistakes via Mind Tools.
Had to chuckle at this article because I get caught up in this sometimes…helpful info from ArtBizBlog
Stay focused and accomplish great things
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Definitely a thought provoking post, Teresa! Thanks for this.
Hope you’ll pop by to visit me someday!
Love your work.