Hey friends! It’s been a long time coming! I’ve finished and delivered to Karen her two life size angel paintings. Back in July 2018, Karen, a Sanford Michigan resident, commissioned me to paint two very large angels with an ocean theme for her to hang in her new beach house in Florida. She said time was of no concern, just paint them at my leisure – which was really the only way I could say yes to such a project since my schedule is so busy.
She’s going to hang them in a large entry hallway. One on each side of the hallway facing each other so you’ll notice I made sure to keep that in mind when I designed the angels so their hair would be blowing in the right direction.
Below are photos of the area they will be hanging. Notice the amazing glass-blown chandeliers that will accompany Abundant Sea and True Blue. So beautiful!
In the above photo you can see the two sides of the hallway under the first chandelier where the paintings will hang across from each other. (This view is facing the entryway)
This view is facing the end of the hallway going into the living room. One painting will hang in that space between the two “columns”.
And this view is facing the end of the hallway going into the living room as well, the second painting will hang in that space between the two “columns”.
Here is True Blue. I painted her first.

“True Blue” close up 30″ x 48″ acrylic over scrapbook paper ©Teresa Kogut, all rights reserved
Here is Abundant Sea.
Our granddaughter was trying to kiss the angels. So precious!
I had the pleasure of helping Karen pick out the frames! Won’t this moulding be amazing! The framer is going to paint the gold part of the frame silver to match the silver metallic paint in the paintings.
Here’s Karen (right) and I at Birds Custom Framing in Bay City, Michigan.
I hope you enjoyed seeing these paintings. It was bittersweet seeing them go but they’ve found a good home watch over.
A huge thank you to Karen for commissioning me to paint these. I was working outside my comfort zone bc these are the largest angel paintings I’ve done for someone. Can’t wait to see them in her home.
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