Whimsy 365: Day 126

February 12, 2016

whimsy 365 Day 126 021216

©Teresa Kogut, all right reserved

Whimsy 365: Day 126

This morning was nuts! Ryan and I were going to Kettering University for Registration and had to be there at 8:45…or so we thought.

I finish my workout, shower, clean up after my sweet Daisy (she had a bit of an accident in the house so the floor needed cleaned up as well as her). I’m in the bathroom getting ready and Ryan says, “Their website states that it starts at 8:00″. At this point it’s already 7:15 and it takes 25 minutes to get there…and my hair is still wrapped in a towel, the dogs need fed and time outside to do their “business”, Athena needed dropped off at my Mom’s, the garbage needed taken to the road and neither Ryan or I have ate breakfast.

So we kicked it into high gear! I’ve never done my hair so fast in my life and while I finished up, Ryan did all the other things that needed done. We grabbed some toast with peanut butter and an apple for the drive. I called my Mom while in the car and she said she’d pick up Athena for us so that was a HUGE relief.

We arrive at Kettering, go inside to find out that the tours starts at 8:45 (which we didn’t need to do since a couple months ago he and I already went on one). The actual program didn’t start until 10am!! Lol! We just had to laugh at ourselves.

The website did read 8:00am but I think he was looking in the wrong spot. Anyway, it wasn’t a big deal. We had lots of time to talk and spend time together which we rarely get to do.




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